Friday, August 9, 2013

Out of Gas- Week of August 9

We only really notice them when we really need one and can't find it. From their beginnings as auto service depots to their current status as a one stop shop for everything from sodas to ranch-flavor CornNuts and everything in between, gas stations are as ubiquitous and omnipresent as fire hydrants and traffic lights. We all have our favorites; we choose them by fuel brand, cleanliness, location, broad selection of porno magazines and flavors of Cheetos.

Like everything, however, these street corner fixtures eventually outlive their usefulness (much like the other notable street corner fixtures) and end up abandoned and left to fall into decay. Every city and town has them, but its the ones in the smaller hamlets that I like to photograph. I suppose it's all a part of my fascination with history and how it evolves. Anyway, each Friday I will post a handful of these lost stations; here is the first installment.

Close your eyes and smell the beef jerky....




Silver Lake


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